Q:  I did terribly on the midterm, but only because for some reason I didn't try or do the work.  Actually I'm very smart and if I had tried, I could have done as well here as I do in my other classes.  If I am extremely polite and respectful, and promise now to work hard, can you adjust things so that I will pass this class?

A: No.


Q:  I am unable to attend class because of a scheduling conflict with work.  Can I get partial credit for the classes that I am, unfortunately, nforced to miss?

A:  No.


Q:  I missed the exam because the bus was late.  Can I take it over the break?

A:  No.


Q: I never read the first few books because they didn't have them in the bookstore.  Can you quickly explain to me what's in them that I might need for the test?

A:  No.


Q:  I really need a higher grade than the one I got if I am going to graduate, and my whole extended family has bought plane tickets to see me graduate.  Can I please please do some extra work to raise my grade?

A:  No.


Q:  I always got by without doing the reading in my other classes, but I just found I failed the midterm.  Now I know I need to do all the readings:  can I retake the test?

A:  No.


And for a special bonus, here is an actual email from a student who DID NOT READ THESE FAQs, thought s/he could do crappy work and then bleed a C out of me.  S/he FLUNKED.


hello this is XXXX. i'm in your sociology XXX class.. i was going to go see you, but i know myself well enough to know that i won't be able to say everything that i want to say in person, so i'm writing this e-mail. For the first half of this semester, i've been having many problems. my parents, who are in XXXX told me during the winter break that they are getting a divorce... also, my dad is having financal problems, as most people in XXXX now, so he couldn't send me the money i needed to support myself here. I want to work, but as a f-1 visa, it is illligal for me to work here in the states.  Between those two tihngs and missing some of the classes from breaking my finger and my car being towed, i really couldn't concentrate on the work, as you can tell from my midterm.. i got a D. I really really need to pass this course. i am a sociology major who is going to graduate after this semister. If i don't gradute... not getting a diploma after this semester means throwing away the 4 years of college that my parents supported me. I can't do summer school to make up or come back next semester because i have to go to the XXXX army.(all XXXX men must go to XXXX army for around 2 years). I MUST graduate this semister. i will do anything to pass your class. Can you please give me an extra-credit assignment or anything else to help my grade. It took me alot of courage to write this to you. please don't let me regret writing this email to you. thank you for reading this..