Next I started to inswtall and configure the various bits of software I needed.
A VNC server for the current X11 session, roughly according to this post here.
For the slideshow I used feh. This is a great command line driven image viewer, and provided all the functionality I need. I can use it to;
- Start the standard slide show, with all the pictures changing every 300 seconds (5 mins)
- Show a collage of pictures assembled randomly on screen
- Show the pictures from a removable drive that's been inserted.
There are several scripts to start various styles of slide show, all listed here,most are adapted from those listed by drware here ;
I also wanted to be able to show a clock full screen on the display. I couldn't find a perfect solution, xdaliclock was about the closest I could come up with. Then I found sunclock, which isn't perfect either, but does look a bit interesting. The clock is started with the script
Miscallaneous Software
I also installed unclutter to hide the mouse, and autocutsel to keep the clipboard synchronised between my PC and a vnc client, although it doesn't work ! I use osdsh and osdctl to display messages on screen much like the TV on screen display. I also wrote scripts to turn the display on and off, and to toggle between the two using the remote;
Next I started to install and configure the various bits of software I needed.
A VNC server for the current X11 session, roughly according to this post here.
For the slideshow I used feh. This is a great command line driven image viewer, and provided all the functionality I need. I can use it to;
- Start the standard slide show, with all the pictures changing every 300 seconds (5 mins)
- Show a collage of pictures assembled randomly on screen
- Show the pictures from a removable drive that's been inserted.
There are several scripts to start various styles of slide show, all listed here,most are adapted from those listed by drware here ;
#Script to reload photo frame via cron
export DISPLAY=:0
/home/paul/scripts/ feh
#Hide cursor after 10 seconds
/usr/X11R6/bin/unclutter -idle 10 &
#Set Screen to be On
#Start slide show /usr/bin/feh --quiet --recursive --randomize --auto-zoom --full-screen --stretch --borderless --slideshow-delay 300 /media/share/photos &
#Send Message to Screen osdctl -s "Start Slide Show" &
#echo "Ran at $(date)" >> /home/paul/cronlog.txt
exit 0
#Script to reload photo frame via cron
export DISPLAY=:0
/home/paul/scripts/ feh
#Hide cursor after 10 seconds
/usr/X11R6/bin/unclutter -idle 10 &
#Set Screen to be On
#Start slide show
/usr/bin/feh --quiet --recursive --randomize --auto-zoom --full-screen --stretch --borderless --slideshow-delay 300 /media/share/photos &
#Send Message to Screen
osdctl -s "Start Slide Show" &
#echo "Ran at $(date)" >> /home/paul/cronlog.txt
exit 0
#Script to start feh in collage mode
export DISPLAY=:0
sleep 1s
#Hide cursor after 10 seconds
/usr/X11R6/bin/unclutter -idle 10 &
#Set Screen to be On
#Start slide show
/usr/bin/feh --quiet --full-screen --randomize --collage --stretch --thumb-width 240 --thumb-height 360 --limit-width 1020 --limit-height 740 /media/share/photos &
#Send Message to Screen
osdctl -s "Start Collage" &
#echo "Ran start_collage at $(date)" >> /home/paul/cronlog.txt
exit 0
#Script to start feh in collage mode
export DISPLAY=:0
sleep 1s
#Hide cursor after 10 seconds
/usr/X11R6/bin/unclutter -idle 10 &
#Set Screen to be On
#Start slide show
/usr/ bin/feh --quiet --full-screen --randomize --collage --stretch --thumb-width 240 --thumb-height 360 --limit-width 1020 --limit-height 740 /media/share/photos &
#Send Message to Screen
osdctl -s "Start Collage" &
#echo "Ran start_collage at $(date)" >> /home/paul/cronlog.txt
exit 0
I also wanted to be able to show a clock full screen on the display. I couldn't find a perfect solution, xdaliclock was about the closest I could come up with. Then I found sunclock, which isn't perfect either, but does look a bit interesting. The clock is started with the script
#Script to run a clock (hopefully) in full screen
#Created by P Hurley 20 Dec 2007
#Hide cursor after 10 seconds
/usr/X11R6/bin/unclutter -idle 10 &
#Start Sunclock with lots of settings
nice sunclock -clock -clockgeom 1024x768+0+0 -mapmode L -image /usr/share/sunclock/earthmaps/medium/photo1.jpg -luminosity -classname 'NoTitle-Sticky' -setfont 'clockstrip|-*-lucidatypewriter-bold-*-*-24-*-*-*-*-*-*-*' -setfont 'mapstrip|-*-lucidatypewriter-bold-*-*-24-*-*-*-*-*-*-*' -setfont 'menu|-*-lucidatypewriter-bold-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*' -spotsizes '4|3|0|0|0' -magx 1.2 -magy 1.2 -dx '-3.38' -dy 11.408 &
#Send Message to Screen
osdctl -s "Start Clock" &
exit 0
Miscallaneous Software
I also installed unclutter to hide the mouse, and autocutsel to keep the clipboard synchronised between my PC and a vnc client, although it doesn't work ! I use osdsh and osdctl to display messages on screen much like the TV on screen display. I also wrote scripts to turn the display on and off, and to toggle between the two using the remote;